PLEASE NOTE THAT THE READ OUT WILL COME WITH A 2 PIN POWER CHORD AND UK ADAPTOR. THE DRO HAS ALL FUNCTIONS AND CALCULATIONS NEEDED FOR PRECISION MILLING, GRINDING. This D60-3V digital readout 3 axes is a multi purpose design usable for every machine like lathe, mill, edm and grinding machine. Easily make circular hole patterns, linear hole patterns, radius and much more. We offer Digital readout consoles for every machine, suitable for hobbyists and professionals. Circular drilling function: Digital readout can automatically calculate the location of the hole according to the inputted data. Linear drilling function: Opposite to the axis of any angle, only the hole spacing remain fixed value, The DRO can calculate the location of the hole according to the inputted data. Tool radius compensation: In the use of cylindrical milling tool carrier, the tool radius must be taken into account. The direction of process will decide the increase or decrease of calculated value. Once the tool number is inputted, the DRO value will be saved. Determine the workpiece centre: Only through the tool or touching the two points of workpiece, the DRO can calculate the workpiece centre. 200 sets tool base: While repeat the same process in the workpiece, you can store the tool value which will be convenience to the operator. Round arc processing: Sample round processing and two axis arc processing. Function calculator: Calculator function can improve operation efficiently. Slope calculation: Input the two points of workpiece, the DRO can calculate the slope of the workpiece. Z-axis combination calculation: Z-axis can display the combination displacement of two parallel axis. Preset value: Preset the radius of workpiece. Linear scale error compensation or non-linear scale error compensation: Compensation to ensure absolute precision and maximum efficiency. Multi-point compensation can reduce the machine error. EDM depth control: Can assist tool make depth control efficiently.